I’m a woman, not a mythical creature.

That’s what it feels like, though. You hear stories of mythical creatures, but you never see them. The same phenomena can be seen with female-bodied party delegates. People keep asking me “why are you even talking about gender at a climate change conference?” Well. Where do I even begin? For background LISTEN to my interview with theContinue reading “I’m a woman, not a mythical creature.”

Warsaw Legend 2: The Mermaid

I first became curious about the imagery of a mermaid when we were handed little mermaid keychains that had different “sustainable” lifestyle icons on them at the exhibition. According to local folklore, a mermaid found her way to Warsaw after being tired of swimming in the sea. She decided to rest on the banks ofContinue reading “Warsaw Legend 2: The Mermaid”

Proud to be an American?

I really struggle with this, I’ve found, when I’m abroad. There are normally three reactions from people when I tell them that I’m from the United States 1) they get really excited 2) they get mad at me for everything that the U.S. has done 3) they stop talking to me. A few days ago,Continue reading “Proud to be an American?”

The Legend of the Golden Duck

Sitting in the original basement of a re-constructed palace from the 1700s in downtown Warsaw which now serves as the Frederic Chopin museum, my new tour  guide friend told me a local legend about prosperity and hardship: The legend of the golden duck. As my new friend told it: — There once was a young boyContinue reading “The Legend of the Golden Duck”

Texas to Poland: Coal & Pipelines. Culture Shock? Not Really.

After a delegation meeting, one of the delegates asked “Did you hear about the pipeline explosion today?” I immediately answered, “YEAH! The one in Texas?! Again!?” “No… here in Poland…” they replied in a tone that I can only describe as reserved surprise. Before I go on my rant: SIGN THIS PETITION!!!! I met aContinue reading “Texas to Poland: Coal & Pipelines. Culture Shock? Not Really.”

New Experiences: International Anti-Oppression

To be completely transparent: I’ve been writing, re-writing this post since I led the workshop last Friday. I find Anti-oppression to be difficult to write about and agonize over every single word trying to make it the best possible. I’ve decided it’s just time for me to be human- I can’t be prefect, so IContinue reading “New Experiences: International Anti-Oppression”

Coaland Doesn’t Represent the Polish People

Poland is a country known for it’s coal. But what people don’t talk much about is that not all of the people in Poland are supportive of these energy projects. It was discussed at the Conference of Youth/ Central and Eastern European Power Shift that a common misconception is that all Polish people are waryContinue reading “Coaland Doesn’t Represent the Polish People”

Justice is Not Just a Word: It’s Life.

Last night, I had a dream that I went to the conference center where COP19 is taking place this year in Warsaw, Poland and they let me in without checking my credentials. I floated through security after getting my bag checked. I was able to go to all of the meetings I wanted to goContinue reading “Justice is Not Just a Word: It’s Life.”

“Do I smell a hippy?”

First Flight. Done. One down and two more to go. The woman behind me was eating an onion sandwich that was filling the entire cabin with the strong odor of, well… onions. As passengers continued to board, one of them walked past my aisle and said loudly “do I smell a hippy?”. The woman behindContinue reading ““Do I smell a hippy?””